Shoot to wound, and then execute the wounded, burn them, take them in close combat. Show them what a messy, terrible, thing it is to kill a man, and then show them that you relish in it. It's absurd, its anesthetic, we need it to endure the bloody horror of murder. Men have this idea that we can fight with dignity, that there's a proper way to kill someone. To break a man's will, to break his spirit, you have to break his mind. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands. The Jackal: You can't break a man the way you break a dog, or a horse. You are going to walk in there like a big man and take him out. I seriously doubt he will survive the week. The man thinks he is safe because he is a teacher. The world does not need men such as he, I am sure you will agree.

He himself does not kill, but teaches others how to make roadside bombs. Far Cry 2 Addi Mbantuwe: Seth Uniya is the worst kind of man in this world. Doyle: Don't be difficult.ĭoyle: What did you do? Jack: I could tell you, but it's more fun to let you wonder. Jack: Oh, good thing I remembered to pack a few of those.

Far Cry Doyle: You do know how to fly a glider, right? Jack: No, but I learn real fast when people are shootin' at me.ĭoyle: You'll need to use a demo charge.